The Ship Hector Society is committed to becoming financially sustainable through diversified programs, both dockside and shipboard. This strategic expansion of revenue streams will sustain ship maintenance and operational costs, as well as ongoing programs and site facilities. By collaborating with our community and Indigenous partners to enhance attractions and develop innovative visitor experiences, we will not only preserve our cultural heritage but also contribute to the region’s economy, creating an iconic destination for both locals and visitors.
Sails Set for Success
Ship Hector transforms from a dockside attraction into Canada’s largest fully rigged, electric powered passenger sailing vessel.
Public daytime and sunset sails, bus tours and student sails accommodating 60 passengers. Special event and corporate charters providing a one-of-a-kind backdrop for private celebrations.
Experiential learning tourism that provides opportunities to learn and actively engage in crewing.
A comprehensive five-month sailing school with a recognized curriculum, immersing participants in the study and practice of ship maintenance and sailing procedures.

Hector Heritage Quay boatbuilding pavilion offering government recognized apprenticeship programs and youth engagement.
Six-month wooden boat building program for marine trade careers; fourteen-week ship cabinetry and furniture making apprenticeship.
School curriculum including small crafts, construction design courses, and experiential tourism workshops in woodworking and boat building.

Modernization of the Hector Heritage Quay Interpretive Centre.
Increased visitation through captivating and innovative interactive displays that offer a comprehensive narrative of the Scottish settlers' relationship with the Indigenous people of Pik’tuk, and Hector’s unique role in the province’s immigration history and the far- reaching ripples it created.
Integration of curriculum into middle and high school education programs, fostering a deeper understanding of the rich historical context.