Ship Restoration
Ensuring the survival and best use of the Ship Hector, along with preserving its original design, are the ultimate goals of the Ship Hector Society. Advisors and consultants in the marine industry explored alternative and cost-effective ways to restore the ship and safeguard long-term viability. By using composites and fiberglass, along with traditional materials in innovative ways, the Ship Hector will maintain her historic appearance and feel of an18th century “Bootship”.
All rotten structural members removed and replaced.
All rotten inner and outer hull planks removed and replaced.
Composite and wood materials fitted to the hull above and below the waterline ensuring longevity and ease of maintenance.
All salvageable existing decks have been repaired, fibreglassed and sheathed in Douglas fir.
The five watertight bulkheads fitted below main deck.
Below deck display area completed as per 1773.

Next Steps
Installation of electrical motors and shafting.
Installation of steering gear components.
Installation of all thru hull fittings below the waterline.
Completion of new upper decks.
Fitting of refurbished deck equipment.
Fitting of secondary joiner bulkheads.
Masts yards and their associated components will be refurbished/replaced as required.
Existing standing and running rigging will be assessed and supplemented with new as per original.
The ship will be outfitted with synthetic sails that look and feel like canvas, and so rigged to be safely and efficiently operated by the crew and by passengers if so desired.